Lolly is still Topps!
January 2021
Welcome back! It’s been a long time. Lolly Topps was a star on the feature circuit. We saw her perform so many times and then she was gone. We hadn’t heard her name mentioned for years when suddenly she popped up on the list of contestants for Miss Nude World. The pageant was canceled. Lolly scored an invited to the NghtMoves Feature Invitational and we finally got to see her again. We took the photos in Clearwater, Florida at NightMoves this December.

Welcome back. Let’s retrace your history.
THE History of me Lolly Topps!
Late 2001 [- So I’m dancing on stage at this hotspot club called Bean Snappers in Appleton, Wisconsin and this very pretty very endowed woman walks up to me, tips me a $20 and asks me to join her after I;m done with my set. and says to me, “Girl ! you need to be a feature !” I said “what in the world is a feature?” She said “Come see me after you’re done and we will talk “. I was intrigued so after my set i met up with her and her husband, sat down and ordered some drinks. We sat and talked for a couple hours and long story short of that i find out she’s a feature, and she explains how i would be paid as a performer because of how I dance nowand so on and how great I could be and I need to try it . I’m like wow well then “I’m all-in !” She gave me Ellenor’s contact info,,the card read “Ellenor of Universal Talent, Newark, New Jersey” … Within a month I was on a plane to meet this agent in New Jersey! Crazy times right ..not yet, lol it gets better , so my first day I fly in to Newark New Jersey to meet Ellenor at a strip club to this day the clubs name cracks me up, Franks Chicken Shack . lol
I walk in to this Franks Chicken Shack and almost knock myself out walking into Ellenor herself and her ginormous boobs . lol She looked at me and said, “Well you’re not going to hurt those.” These were the first ever made breast implants! I’m astounded and dumbfounded at this point lol then she says “Well let’s see it. I’m told you can dance .show me.’ I was like, “Wait what now \?” sShe said “Yep, it’s now or never,” I have been in Newark, New jersey for 15 mins and now I’m stripping out of my snow suit and jammies.hat, gloves scarf lol
So, me dressed for winter me all decked out in snow gear and jammies and all, i jumped on her stage and gave an impressive show the best i could with jammies and snow gear lol So, me dressed for winter me all decked out in snow gear and jammies and all, I jumped on her stage and gave an impressive show the best i could with jammies and snow gear lol .. i got the job !ol ! so shortly after about 6 months i got a breast augmentation of 900 ccs in each breast to make me 36DD .
Soon after my augmentation i found my stage name because my friends were singing the lollypop guild from wizard of oz to me for the one millionth time lol ,and i for some reason had an epiphany and thought omg ! Lolly Topps that’s my name , and I told them and my friend looked at me and said “dude you’d rock the shit outta that name do it ” Big thanks to RanG for that advice almost 20 years ago now. wow ! lol still the best advice to date !
So, I would say the year After 2004 is when I really started to become a big thing . lol yey me ! lol anyhow so 2004 proved to be the year Lolly Topps started to be noticed and started to appear in Mens Magazines more and more , its true for a time you couldn’t pick up a magazine without seeing a Lolly Topps layout or mention .I have to safely i bet you i have appeared in 50 men’s magazines over time up to now , and it’s about to be 3 more here in the next couple months of 2021! .stay tuned . lol Now back then i had no clue i was as popular as i was. i barely had my first cell phone then. lol 2004 was also the year i started to get heavy into Pageants. Every time there was a showcase or a pageant or an event to promote my name and shows I was there!So, me dressed for winter me all decked out in I put in the work and the time. I and i cant exactly tell you how many major pageant titles i held in those years but i will tell you i worked hard to win what i did win and it was a blast even though it was work. I loved those pageants fun friends’ titles show just a sexy good time , l love it lol . the list of my titles between 2003 -2009 , can speak for what i am capable of . * sexy smirks *exactly why I’m competing at Miss nude world in 2021!

You were famous in the era of men’s magazines. For awhile it seemed one couldn’t pick up a men’s mag without seeing a Lolly Topps layout. Tell us about the magazines and some of the most memorable photo shoots.
My most memorable magazine shoots always went respectably well , I could say I don’t have one photoshoot that sticks out as much as I as I can personally give gratitude for all the amazing photographers I was able to work with. I have had the pleasure of being a model who got to shoot with a lot of the greats in the industry at that time of the men’s magazine era . I was a big bust staple in the big bust category. I kicked ass and took names. I was petite busty hot and could dance my ass off with huge shows and props and pyro and boobs. it was crazy. but i rocked it all as a high energy novelty big bust feature entertainer and loved every moment ! and i still do!
You were known as a “big busted” star. Who were the others? How big are your boobs?
I can’t recall all the names of all the big bust girls , but to be considered as one was a compliment for sure . The infamous Big Bust ladies of my day included such names as Wendy Whoppers, Echo Valley, Maxi Mounds Rocky Roads,Chelsea Charms Colt45, Xxxena Pandora Peaks, Rhiannon, Lisa Lips, Tawny Peaks Tippi Topps, Minka and Kayla Kleavage
And how do I fit in to the big bust rotary of gorgeous big boob girls?
I am the teeniest of the big bust girls .
I stand 4ft 11 inches i weigh 115 lbs.
my measurements are considered top hourglass figure 36DD-26-32 comic book girl figure fellas, top hourglass figure ! lol I’m very proud of how i look. as you can see from me pictures .

You were on the road featuring constantly. How was the feature dancer circuit “back in the day?}”
The feature circuit back in the day was competitive , you had to be bigger ,better, and badder then the rest if you were going to stand out. And I accepted the challenge and the invites and i proved myself right into the mix and circles . every show i gave 110% every show i strutted my grace upon the stage and flew around the poles with my magic dance toes and spun myself dizzy for your entertainment and loved every min of it !!! . truth time Ihave spun myself right off a few stages lol i always ended up in someone’s lap . lol I ended up in a girl’s lap one time and she in returned Frenched me ,licked my nose and my eye, lol … I didn’t know whether to be turned on or sanitized lol
Why did you quit the business?
Well, that’s easy to answer, I met my prince in 2007 and we got pregnant in 2008, took some time off I featured up until 2010 finishing contracted bookings and shoots then i decided it was time to get some skills and quietly phased out.
I ended up applying at a hospital for a cashier’s job in the cafeteria and in six months worked my way into the kitchen as a prep cook and grill cook. I worked there for about two years until my boss got fired and i moved on to apply to work as a dietary aide in senior living where I studied how to care for people who suffer from and with Alzheimer’s and dementia . i worked my way up through the ranks and the years from there to be a chef’s assistant in the kitchen until March of last year when I lost my job due to Covid

What motivated you to get back into the business?
I’d say it’s not what but whom , I have three of the most amazing friends that go way back that all three insisted there’s still room for more Lolly Topps . I want to thank them for encouraging me to try . I’m pretty ecstatic I took their advice lol and from thereI have had tremendous support from the industry and fans and fam to return .I am honestly tickled pink !!!! i love it !! Thank you, Gracie & Bob & Richard , love you guys ! Lolly Topps return yey! And all my fans keep encouraging me .lol thanks guys ! you’re so awesome you rock !
What are your plans for 2021
More Lolly Topps !!!
I plan to shoot more layouts through the year , i have more interviews coming out
I’m up for more projects this year .
I plan to compete at Miss Nude Worlds at Luxxx showgirls in Peoria Illinois 2021
I plan to attend Expo in Miami in May
I plan to have fun putting my name out again and attending events or being booked as a feature , just all of it , I’m ready Freddy let’s go !!! lol
A few woeds to your fans…
Thank you to my fans you guys rock!! I love the conversations on the social media posts have been awesome, especially my Metalheads, my nerd base , my intelligent eccentrics, and all my jokers who crack me up consistently thank you ! , I have a blast talking to you guys through the week, I love all the love you guys give me on my posts and pic shares are awesome on social media , keep it rockin’ you guys rock so much! If I’m ever at club preforming near you and you have a vintage piece of Lolly Topps memorabilia or merch, bring it in to have me sign it or resign it , and get some new merch while you are at it or for now you can check out my website
To book me contact your favorite agent or
myself for direct book
Follow me on Instagram @lolly_topps
Facebook fan page
all images are ©Richard Kent and Xcitement Magazzine
Part Two
Lolly Competes at the NightMoves Showgirl Invitational

After being out of the business for years, participating at NightMoves was a good reality check in preparation of where I need to be again as Lolly Topps in the present and future. It was a bit nerve wrecking for me jumping head first back into this again lol. I was confident I was proud , but I was off my game, I actually forgot how to be me, for the first couple days of this it was different then the life as a chef I became accustom to lol. For one there’s strippers and booze not steamers and ovens lol. I was so excited to be back in this adult environment again lol, This whole event is like it was designed to have a fun and great time and it was so awesome and entertaining. I met so many new friends and reacquainted with old friends. I got to sight see historic Tampa and have amazing Pizza and I got to see the first Hooters established and got to be a part of this amazing event by Invite what a compliment in itself. I appreciated all that Tracy and Paul Allen have done over the last 28 years to make us the stars sparkle.This event was fantastic ,and I really was honored to be a part of it . you guys have the best staff night moves every single person ! Thank you !
My ups and downs
I won best costume even though I couldn’t get it on or off correctly once he whole four days this event went on.
My costume was drenched in beer by accident the second night along with my heels right before I went up ,lol so I had to quick take my heels off and try not to spin close to the customers or they will get beer showered from my costume . I wanted to die about then but that set gets better.
I get stuck in my wings on stage ..stage hand has no clue how to help me so he has to pull them off over my arm pieces ..its a mess at this point , finally I get the wings off, head piece ..I go to spin not thinking about how wet soaked my costume is and I watch the front row get showered in something wet when I spin . I’m really wanting to die now. Finally shows over, I packed up and found a comfy spot to go die in a corner. l was just defeated at that point, The third night was defiantly fun at the club. I got to hang out with the other feature entertainers, watch their show’s and out-front row with Richard Kent and Drew Rocks before I got interested in dancing for an hour on the back stage with a porn star for no reason except she was hot. It was a fun night .
On my final night, I was a badass, I rocked the show and wore that costume like it should be, and did make an impression that made a statement. I won an award for best costume! It was a Jacquie Red Devil
My first time back on stage in eight years right , I go to compete and i actually win an award! That’s badass and I’ll take it, and what I did learn is I defiantly need to remember to breath, drink more coffee and smile a whole lot more because I am Lolly Topps and I am a hot petite big bust novelty!