Your stage name is most intriguing. Tell us about it.
Somewhat of a funny and long story, but the shortest version is that Ivizia was a name given to me in 2001 at a Rainbow Gathering in Boise Idaho by someone I ran into while walking around alone in the forest. Saying that out loud, it actually sounds creepy, haha.
Dakini was a name given to me that same year. Dakini’s are sacred female spirits that evocative of the movement of energy in space. They are teachers of sexual healing and transformation. Seeing as those names were given to me just a few months before I started performing, it felt like a gift to use them, hence, Ivizia Dakini was born.

Describe yourself in one paragraph.
You know, this is actually a hard question because the way we see ourselves is a singular perspective based on internalized emotional experiences. I believe I am a funny, talented, and colorful rainbow of splattered paint on canvas hanging in an art gallery. You can walk by and decide to look and enjoy, or you can be completely uninterested and continue on to the next piece of art. My personality is outgoing, reliable and playful. I strive to be the best version of me I can be, therefore, have high values of friendship, family, career and purpose.
How, when and why did you get into feature dancing?
My ambition to live a life outside of the norm was the fuel I needed to be an entrepreneur in the entertainment industry. So, I booked my first gig in 2001, and from that day forward I decided to pursue my career as a performer.
Between the years of 2004 and 2010, I was doing five to seven shows a night, three nights a week. Since then, I’ve performed in 8 countries around the world.
It was in 2016 I was contacted by Centerfold Features and have been happily working with them ever since! It’s been a great adventure to feature in strip clubs around the states.

Roller skates and fire eating. Tell us about your feature shows.
No matter what stage I’m on, I want to bring something unique and exciting to my audience. Roller skating and fire eating are two things that people generally love, and using them on stage allows me to be playful with the crowd. I also own a clothing company called Carnie Couture, so all of the pieces you see me wear on stage are handmade by me. The ability to create these costumes and characters allows me diversity to cater to whatever type of show I’m doing.

How has covid impacted your life?
This is a very broad question which has many facets and answers, so I will relate to how it has affected my life as an entertainer. People like me, we are meant to be on stage. We have a purpose to excite and ignite our audiences so they may have a joyful relief from what goes on in their daily lives. When the pandemic hit, the rug was pulled out from under me. This is the longest I’ve ever gone without performing, so I’m thrilled to be making a connection with my fans again.
What are the lessons to be learned from the Covid 19 pandemic?
One lesson is Change…. Change that is in the best interest of everyone, not just the wealthy.
In order for our world to survive, we must trust and rely on each other in our communities. The flaws of our political system have once again been revealed, and we are part of a new revolution that I hope will create a foundation where we can build support for working class citizens, decriminalize sex work, demolish systemic racism, end human trafficking, and provide physical and mental health care for Americans who are struggling to stay alive.
I want to participate in the movement!
I want to participate in the movement!
Three things on my bucket list.
1. To visit Africa and Antarctica, so I have all 7 continents in my travel archive.
2. I’ve always wanted to be in a video where I’m walking slow motion towards the camera and flick a cigarette behind me that lights up a huge explosion.
3. Go sailing the seas around Croatia and Greece.

First thing you do when you wake up? How do you start your day?
I am a super groggy morning person! An ideal day start with coffee, meditation, and yoga or exercise. I do intermittent fasting, which means most days I don’t have my first meal until after 3:00 p.m. I try to stay away from emails or business in the morning, as that can have a stressful impact on how my day unfolds. But, once I’m energized and going, I grab the day by the balls!
Last thing you do when you go to sleep? How do you end your day?
I have a hard time shutting off at night. My mind is always racing towards what’s going to happen next and setting goals for the following day. That being said, I have had chronic insomnia since I was a teenager. I’ll lay in bed watching a movie until the wee hours, or like tonight, it’s 1:30 a.m. and I’m answering questions for this interview. Guess I should sleep soon….

Ivizia Dakini can be booked to perform in your club through Centerfold Features Talent Agency.