Due To COVID-19
Reprint of official press release
(September 9, 2020 – Edison, NJ) This year has been unlike any other in any of our lives. EXXXOTICA is supposed to be a celebration and we were looking forward to closing our show year off with our lauded New Jersey event as we have for the past 12. But, 2020 has not been cooperating with anyone, and while we pushed off the inevitable decision with never-ending optimism, it is through tears of sincere disappointment that we must announce the postponement of EXXXOTICA New Jersey slated for October 23-25 at the New Jersey Expo Center in Edison. At this time, with current restrictions in the state that the Governor has in place, as well as the safety of everyone involved with EXXXOTICA, it is impossible to produce this year’s show in New Jersey.
Some have asked us if we would consider doing a virtual EXXXOTICA, and while we appreciate everyone’s eagerness as it pertains to our event, the idea of a virtual adult consumer show is, to be completely honest, stupid. EXXXOTICA is a living, breathing thing, and only works when we’re all together. You just cannot replicate the live experience, and we would never try. It’s like turning a wild mustang into My Little Pony. A Prius into a Formula One race car. Trump and Biden into BFFs. It just ain’t gonna happen. And like our elders always say, “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.”
So, that being said, we look forward to our dates for next year in New Jersey, which was already in the planning stages for October 22-24, 2021. For all of us at Three Expo Events, that weekend cannot come soon enough and we are doing anything and everything we can to secure additional dates earlier in 2021 for, you guessed it, a second New Jersey show. It would be nothing short of awesome for us to kick off and end our year in 2021 with shows in good old Jersey.
Washington, DC – December 11-13, 2020
Miami, FL – February 12-14, 2021
Chicago, IL – April 9-11, 2021
Edison, NJ – October 22-24, 2021
Once again, we want to thank everyone – sponsors, exhibitors, performers, seminar speakers, production, advertising and lodging partners, and especially the fans and attendees of EXXXOTICA. We’d like to especially thank everyone at the New Jersey Exposition and Convention Center for all that they have done and continue to do in working with us not only for this year, but for past and future events.
What we do promise is that when EXXXOTICA New Jersey once again opens its infamous doors, it will not only be the biggest event we have ever produced, but the largest of its kind the nation has ever seen!
Please do not hesitate to contact us at info@3xevents.com with any questions about EXXXOTICA. Please check out our website at https://EXXXOTICAexpo.com for new information as it becomes available.
Until we see each other again, our thoughts go out to all of you for your health, happiness and well-being. Oh, and remember, PLEASE VOTE!
Stay safe. Stay sexy.