October 2021
Life is full of surprises. When we wake up we can never be sure what the day will bring. Sara was a good surprise. We had never met her, knew nothing about her and the only knowledge was three photographs she submitted for Exxxotica promo. We needed adult stars to compliment the showgirls who would be working the Xcitement booth at the Exxxotica Expo. We called XXXStar Publicity and that it how we came to know Sara. After and exhausting weekend we wrapped up, Sara freshened up and we did our photo shoot. She was an absolute pleasure to work with,both as a model and at the show. Gere, we go, read the interview!

Tell us about your Exxxotica experience, why it was important to attend and with the stage right in front of us, what did you think of the entertainment?
I had an absolute blast at Exxxotica. I love to meet fans face to face, it’s much more intimate. Also, to network with other industry professionals is such a breath of fresh air to talk to other like minded pervs! Facing the stage was dope! I loved watching Rubber Doll and I was obsessed with the midget stripper, so much fun.
You went to OhioState to become a school teacher and ended up a porn star. How did that come about?
I like sex with strangers and cash, how could this have not have happened?

Describe the latest scenes you did and where our readers can watch them.
My latest scene was for MilfVR. It was a boy/girl/girl and the awesome part was it was with my BFF Aria Khaide! We are both total sluts and we feed off each other’s energy- needless to say the scene was hot AF.
We don’t’ see many DVD releases anymore so it must have been a treat to film for Elegant Angel. Tell us about it.
It was a great time. I’m more of a gonzo girl so website shooting is more my forte. It was exciting though to get all glammed up and feel like a whore Cinderella for a day though in Frealy MILFS 4. Plus I got to cum very hard.
We hear you are a sports fan, especially baseball and the Cleveland Indians. We were talking football. You told us you were an Auburn fan. How did that happen? If Auburn were to play OSU in a bowl game, who would you root for? Why?
Oh. I’m a Buckeye for life! I’ve been in Alabama for 10 years now and they pretty much make you take a side once you move here. I have a thing for nerdy engineers and Auburn is a big engineering school sooooo…

How did you get the nickname Hardcore Barbie?
I’m a plastic blonde so the Barbie thing was easy and I like rough, kinky sex so that’s how hardcore Barbie happened. I’m that hot blonde that doesn’t have the word no in my vocabulary.
You are a golfer. How often do you get to play? What is your handicap?
This is the part where I would talk shit but after numerous golf date invitations I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut. I’m a decent shot until I get to the green. LOL!
How do you start your day? First thing when you wake up, breakfast and do you make your bed?

Emails/social media, pee, coffee, make bed, gym. If I wake up and there’s a man next to me sex then the above. And I make him make my damn bed too.
How much time do you spend on social media each day? What is your favorite platform?
Too much. I’m a Instahoe. Find me at SillySara91.
What is the last thing you you do at bed time?
That depends on a ton of variables. Either fuck, take my make up off, read, or stumble into my room and pass out. Totally contingent on how my day has played out.
A few words for your fans.
Keep jerking off to me and follow me on Onlyfans at Onlyfans.com/SaraStClairxxx
Love you, mean it!