Hi there and thanks for taking the time to read about my very first pageant experience! I started getting into competing and featuring for my dear friend/mentor who passed away last year, Miss Kaliyah. Her and I were both battling serious medical issues and I promised her I would continue to live out her dreams. So I heard about a pageant coming up in March of 2020 for Miss Exotic Nude Universe and was hesitant to compete due to my health issues going on at the time but decided to push through and do it anyway.
I was extremely nervous and very scared especially not having my friend/mentor there with me. I practiced my butt off for months and then it came time to compete. When I got to Bonkers where the pageant was held, I was welcomed with open arms. The first night of the pageant I was so nervous since I decided to perform a show that was brand new to me and I didn’t have a lot of time putting it together. Afterwards I got a lot of compliments from a bunch of the other competitors, women of the industry that I looked up to greatly. The second night went a little more smoothly as I started getting more comfortable. Then the last night came around and I started feeling very sick. I was going to perform my show that I’ve worked so hard on for many months and didn’t think I could do it. It was time for me to go on stage and I gave it my all! The whole time I was thinking to myself “This is for Kaliyah”. Luckily I finished my show and left for a little bit to rest
I then came back for the awards ceremony. My nerves started to get the best of me as I was up on stage while they were handing out awards. They called my name and I slipped on my dress in front of the crowd but I laughed and played it off. Everyone laughed too as it was kind of hard not to. After they handed out the mini titles it was time to move on to the main ones. My anxiety started up once more. They began to name off some of the main newcomer titles and my name was called. I won Miss Exotic Nude Universe Newcomer of the Year! I will never forget that day. I finally achieved one of my biggest goals not just for me but for my friend as well.